My Software

Here are some applications that you can freely download. They come with no guarantee!

1) Mono-Concave Multilayer Perceptron Builder

(uses genetic algorithms to train neural networks with specified signs for 1st and 2nd order derivatives of the output with respect to some of its inputs)

*MONMLP-guide.pdf (a short user's guide)

(A java user friendly version of the algorithm. Requires Java 1.4). After unzipping the file you may run the application by executing the file monmlp.bat (Windows only). In a Linux environment  you may launch (from the directory where the application was unzipped) the following command: 
java -classpath jfreechart-0.9.4.jar:jcommon-0.7.1.jar:.: Interfata


For more details on how this algorithm works please consult the second chapter of the thesis.

2) Pattern recognition functions tools

The package tarcafun contains several useful functions implemented in MATLAB® which applies to problems of pattern recognition. Download first and unzip it. Set your Matlab path to point to the directory where you unzipped the archive. Now you may use the following functions:

Function Name

Summary Description



Is a feature selection algorithm for CLASSIFICATION and REGRESSION. The relevance criterion is J=alpha*AR+gama*ADC where Accuracy Rate (AR) is obtained by crossvalidation with a k-nearest neighbor classifier (CLASSIFICATION only) and ADC is the Asymmetric Dependency Coefficient from information theoretic framework. The combinatorial optimization method is "plus l take away r". This function indicates which among the columns of a matrix X are best suited to map y by ranking them in the decreasing order of their importance.

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This function is almost similar with the function featureSelector (see help for details) with the exception that it may start with a initial guess of features which are relevant.

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Computes an Asymmetric Dependency Coefficient (Information theory) between a feature variable X and a response variable y.

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Returns the confusion matrix for a classifier.

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Implements a k-nearest neighbor algorithm. This is a simple classification rule which assigns for a new point x the class in which are found most of the k nearest neighbors of x in the training data set.

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Computes the performance of a k-nearest neighbor classifier by n-fold crossvalidation. The global misclassification rate, the confusion matrix and its standard deviation are computed. At each fold, a disjoint fraction of data (1/cvsets) is predicted while the remaining fraction (1-1/cvsets) is used as prototypes. The confusion matrix is computed for each fold and summed up to form the global confusion matrix, gen.

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Interprets the weight matrices of a trained feed-forward neural network. Gives as return the importance (saliency) index for each of the inputs of the neural network. After an idea by Garson G. D.(1991) extended for multi output networks.

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